To start this story, I'd like to show you a fantastic picture of Megan, Tommy, Sara, Jacob and Philip... Aren't they a good looking group of young people?
We have started a new chapter in our Life Book and it's sure to be an adventure. April 15, 2011 was Colin's last day working for Home Depot. We finally took the step of faith to start evangelising. We have been feeling this work for several years but just never knew when the right time would be to begin. Now is the time. May 5 - 7, 2011 was the first revival, scheduled in Oklahoma City, OK. Colin, Jacob, Philip and Sara set out for OKC on May 2. Megan, Tommy and I stayed home to care for Grandma Bunny.
The day before the revival began the "traveling" family attended the local service in OKC. During this meeting the whole Church gathered and prayed for the family.
Colin, Jacob and Philip took turns preaching and they sang too. They had a wonderful time in the Lord... A great start for this new journey.
There were three saved and one filled with the Holy Ghost. Four were baptised in water.
After leaving Broken Arrow there was a stop, for lunch, with some great friends in OKC, OK. Some that did not get to attend the revival earlier.
Now it's time to move onto Andrews, TX. Travelling can do some weird things to people...
May 18 - 22, 2011. Andrews, TX. Here is little Jeremiah Kaufman. They all had a blast with this kid.
The new Kaufman baby, Abraham.
In this revival God worked in many hearts and there was one confirmed healing. I am so thankful to know the HEALER!