Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Are The Shuler Kids?

What do you get when you have five kids and a mom (who is NOT middle-aged... Since she plans on living until she is 100, she cannot be middle-aged yet) who is struggling to learn a new school system? A deadly combination!!!
The kids have been accepted into the Arizona Virtual Academy this year and so we are having to learn a whole new system... This has not been an easy beginning. As you will see by the following pictures, it's been a very stressful couple of weeks!

Ok... Maybe it wasn't as bad as it is made out to look like in these pictures... But believe me... It felt like it! We have survived so far... BARELY!
The kids and I staged this massacre for their dad, when he got home from work.
It was some great comic relief for a very stressful day.
When we finally get this system learned it will be GREAT! I hope...


  1. That's fantastic!!! Ha! But there's not nearly enough blood to convince anybody that a homeschool mom went bazerk. It would be much more violent than what is depicted in those shots. ;-) You guys are crazy. I love it. :-)

  2. Yeah, it would need to be more like a "Lizzy Borden" blood bath. Ha! LOL! Great pix.

  3. That's awesome! I feel that way when it comes to teaching english class. And mine are only in 2nd and 4th grades! I have a lot to look forward too..... MelissaH
