Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another Day In The Shuler Home...

Snapping and stringing beans. Colin used to do this
a lot as a kid. Every kid needs to experience snapping
beans. We bought beans at Sprout's and fixed them
for Family Dinner night at Grandma's. Tar heel style.

Here are my little elves,
getting ready to go to work...
Kissy, kissy...

Tuesday we woke up to a beautiful cloudy, 40 degree
day. It was fantastic! Later in the day, dark clouds
rolled in from the west and we were blessed
with a nice rain storm.
I love the rain.
Two days until Christmas...
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
I thank God for His blessings this year and
giving us another year to serve Him.


  1. HAAAAAA! Jacob's hat is HILARIOUS!!!! I love it!!! :-)

  2. If you love rain you would LOVE living in TN!
    I see the ceramic Santa in the background of one of the pictures. I'm SO GLAD you still have him. :-D If you ever get tired of him and want to get rid of him, please don't let him leave the family. Becki would take him if nobody else wants him. He should stay in the family.

  3. I would probably get tired of the rain if I had it all of the time. But when you have sunshine 350 days out of the year any change is exciting. The kids, especially Tommy, love the Santa.

  4. It makes me happy that the Santa is loved. :-)
